A wireless keyboard concept named E-INKEY has been designed by designers Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih,previously there was a concept-adaptive keyboard named “Optimus Maximus” which was designed by Artemy LEbedev,well Optimus Maximus concept seems too unnatural and impractical.well the reasons might be OLED-displays on the keys looks unnatural,and we know OLED-displays costs more around $1600 bucks. and they take more power.so this concept was never liked by tech gurus and geeks,even readers i hope you too don’t like the Optimus Maximus concept.

here is the optimus maximus concept wireless keyboard
so what’s interesting in E-inkey concept and what’s the difference in Optimus Maximus and E-INKEY keyboard concepts?
E-INKEY keyboard is the best alternative adaptive keyboard ever designed,and it was designed by Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih,so why it is better than Optimus Maximus? well here is the answer ,interestingly in this concept keyboard they didn’t used the O-LED’s on keys,infact they used a small screen on Electronic Ink and each key in the conceptual wireless keyboard works on the technology based on Electronic paper,that’s why this wireless keyboard is named as E-inkey,and name describes better,hats off to the designers Maxim Mezentsev & Aleksander Suhih for this naturally looking concept as the power consumption has been reduced and also price of this concept wireless keyboard E-inkey is more affordable than Optimus Maximus.
As it is a screen of electronic ink we can use different layouts for different programs and we don’t need to remember the keyboard for our favourite programs,it’s fully customisable.I hope it will release soon in tech market,waiting for the E-INKEY wireless keyboard