Lava International Ltd. launched a premium tablet QPAD R704 into the Indian market for just Rs, 8,499/- in the press event held on New Delhi. This time Lava launched this premium tablet keeping in mind on Young working professionals, students pursuing professional courses and some big enterprises
Earlier we have seen Lava launching XTRON Z704 tablet for Rs. 6499/- targeting college students and young working professionals, and it was an entry level budget friendly tablet, now it’s time for something premium in the tablet segment, so Lava made an announcement in launching QPAD R704 tablet with all the features and performances that users needed.This premium segment tablet is apt for working professionals as it has all the requirements like E-mails, web-browsing for longer periods (Surfing), presentations etc,
LAVA QPAD R704 Full specifications :
It is powered with 1.2 GHz Qualcomm SnapDragon Quad core processor and runs on Android v4.3 (Jelly Bean) and it can be upgraded to Android v4.4 (KitKat)
Basically it’s a 7 inch premium tablet with IPS display and has a resolution of 600 x 1024 pixels, ( some what lesser pixels and not a 1080p HD screen)
but what’s so new in LAVA QPAD R704 ?
- It comes with HEVC ( High Efficiency Video coding) which will improve the video quality while streaming, video calls etc
- It features Q-IEC ( Qualcomm Interference cancellation and Equalization) which will reduce the noises and improves the network capacity in the tablet
- This gadget can be charged 30% more faster than other tablets due to the presence of Qualcomm quick charge technology
- Due to the presence of SnapDragon Audio, one can experience 3D surrounded sound with the best audio performance
- The best thing we need to talk about here is the high battery capacity range, a 3,500mAh battery is given in this tablet which will stay upto 300 hours in standby mode and while in talk time it will be in working up to 10 hours