Global Mobile Awards for the year 2015 has been announced by the GSM Association and this is like 20th time, they’ve announced the winners. More over the event took place exclusively at MWC every year and this year awards are based on the products released last year (2014).
Usually more than 300 independent experts, analysts,journalists,academics judges the event and help in announcing the winners, in some cases mobile operator representatives also take part in judging the winners. The dead line was on November 2014 and most of the mobile companies had already enrolled their gadgets,devices and smartphones for the respective categories.
There’re multiple categories for this award ceremony and as our site is mostly related gadgets, smartphones and tablets we will try to cover them and the other categories are kinda new to the readers as they’re more related to telecommunication.
So, let’s see the winners of Global Mobile Awards 2015 (#GMA 2015)
Best smartphone of 2015
The competition is kinda tough in this genre as we’ve seen Galaxy S5, Xperia Z3, HTC One M8, LG G3 etc last year but the winners are two smartphones.
iPhone 6
Best low cost smartphone 2015 (priced under $100)
Motorola Moto E (1st Gen)
Best Mobile Tablet 2015![Global Mobile Awards 2015 winners announced [#GMA2015] - 8 Global Mobile Awards 2015 winners announced [#GMA2015] - 6]()
Microsoft Surface Pro 3
Best wearable Mobile Technology 2015
Motorola Moto 360
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
Do check out the nominees list of 2015 and for the full list of winners check out here