So you have a guy in your life and want to gift him something special on this Valentine’s day? Or you’re married and want to rejuvenate the love? Princess, look no further and bring out the personalization.
We, men, crave for personalized gifts, and we like it when someone we love puts effort into making a customized gift, or, are we? Well, it varies from person to person, and you know that well. Anyway, this year, I wanted to build a guide [why not] to celebrate Valentine’s day and put some rational ideas on gifting. I did prepare the same for you, and you can read it. Now, let’s get back to the gifting guide for him, shall we?
I know gifting some random stuff isn’t what you’re looking for, and I bet it won’t make you or the other one happy. Even in a customized gift, there should be a story with it. After all, it’s a special moment for both of you. So, the list goes like this.
Gadget Gift Ideas for HIM on Valentine’s Day
1. Digital Photo Frame

I know it’s an obvious gift idea, but the effort you put into creating a collage does bring back a lot of memories. After all, you want to remind the beautiful moments. So head over to Amazon, and look at the ones’ that fit your budget. However, I recommend going with this one.
2. Engraved Gadgets [Music]
It’d be weird if you don’t see someone without a phone, earphones/headphones. They mostly seem to disconnect and not being able to communicate with others [the irony]. Yet, we aren’t stopping becoming one. I bet you felt the disconnection too. The idea here is to make him think that you’d like to spend more time talking to him. So, how do you do that? Well, think of a one-liner that you’re sure that connects both of you. Get it engraved on a gadget [preferably music-related, which could be AirPods, earphones, and headphones]. Would that make a difference? They say music connects people. So, It might not happen over the night, but every time he sees it, it puts a big smile in his heart. Small things matter, princess.
Even now, Apple is offering free engraving and gift wrapping on some of its products like Airpods, iPads, iPods, etc. so head over to their official web and order one if you have a high budget. For headphones and earphones, I recommend trying out the Alibaba’s website. To give you a head start, I recommend going with this seller.
3. Assorted Accessories in a box
The problem with men is they tend to adjust with they have, and only purchase small accessories when someone in the family needs it [mostly]. Typically ranging from a shorter type-c cable to an extra adapter, they often tend to forget purchasing it. I bet you often reminded him to change the batteries of remote control or to change the phone’s screen guard etc. The idea of assorted accessories in a box is to show that you don’t ignore the small stuff, and take action but not embarrassing him.
To begin with, I recommend getting double AA batteries, a type-c to 3.5mm jack, adapters, converters, etc.
There are a lot of other gifts you can think of giving him, but you know what matters more? It’s the story that you’re trying to convey through it. The same reason why I limited my list with just 3, but hey, you’re the one who’s deciding it, and I intend to give a sense of direction. Do you know what I recommend? I want you to spend time with him. A materialistic gift cannot affect your relationship, and it’s all about the special moments between both of you that matters.
So, be the real YOU, and if you need more inspiration, why not ready my Fight Club story? Alright then. I hope you do the right thing, princess.