Samsung Galaxy Innov8 concept with “smart” slider and 2 OS

Samsung Galaxy Innov8 concept with "smart" slider and 2 OS - 4

Samsung Galaxy Innov8 concept with “smart” slider and 2 OS

We have seen many mobile OS Starting from Java, Symbian,windows, Android, iOS etc, and most popular now are Android and iOS smartphone OS’s, they are the most used OS’s and Android is developed by Google and it released it as Open source and it gave a good chance for mobile manufactures to use it as their smartphone OS, as it has good UI and easy to use!

Earlier, Symbian is the most popular OS, people know this very well as of Nokia S60 Symbian series smartphones, Symbian era ended now, people stopped showing interest in blackberry OS, and looking for new mobile operating systems, Firefox OS is still in the developing mode, and still no information regarding project Tizen too,  sailfish and jolla are also still under development,

But as people are interested in new OS, Designer Jermaine smit developed a concept, and released the concept images of Samsung Galaxy Innov8 which has smart slider and can be operated in 2 OS’s and it’s really innovative in it’s design, it has a vertical slider with keypad , like the old Samsung mobiles and it’s of the same design before the release of the iPhone

This Samsung Smart slider concept runs on Tizen and Android, at the startup samsung Galaxy innov8 runs with Tizen, as designer Jermaine insisited that Tizen Os meets all the requirements of the users, and on the left side edge there is a switch which determines which Os we are running, and we can readily shift from Tizen to Android by moving that switch.


But this Galaxy Innov8 is still a concept, thanks to designer Jermaine Smit, and it will be a new style of phone if it’s released as of it’s two OS, and we heard Microsoft Mobile aka Nokia is also developing some smartphones which can run on both Android and windows, and we will get that information soon!

Credits: Designer Jermaine smit

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